I’ve decided to make the blog part of this site it’s main feature.
That is all! There is no reason to keep reading this post beyond this point unless you want to read a pretty long boring explanation as to why I made this decision.
In the beginning, I had huge plans for this website. I thought it was going to develop into a great “START HERE” point someone could use to begin their journey of learning Japanese. Who knows, it might still have that kind of potential in the future, but in the beginning I had this notion that Japanese was going to be this easy, practically linear kind of learning experience. I thought learning Japanese would be sort of like learning math where you start with the easy stuff first, and as you go along learning more and more, eventually everything would just start to “fit” like a huge puzzle — like something you can just “get through” if you sit down and put in the time and effort to do it. I also thought learning Japanese would be something that I can just write out what I was studying as I go along like it would turn into some kind of “instruction manual” on how to become a master of the Japanese language.
Could I get any more arrogant/ignorant?! LOL. If I could slap my past self right now I would. Please learn from my hugely mistaken dumbass self. The truth is, learning Japanese will be a never-ending journey. But don’t let that discourage you! I mean think about it for a sec. Do you know every single word in the English language and how to use it?? Unless you’re some kind of super genius freak-of-nature, then no, you don’t. English is a living language. It has evolved over a large period of time and will continue to grow and change as time goes on. Thanks to the internet’s ability to allow people to communicate at lightning speeds, new (particularly slang) words are being introduced into English at rates no one on Earth can keep up with. It seems there is a new ridiculous word “everyone and their mom” is saying popping up every month, sometimes every week. The latest slang word I’ve grown to hate is “bae” which short for “babe”, used to refer to someone’s girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby/wifey/bootycall etc… I mean really, people, are we so lazy that we can’t say “babe” anymore?! SMH. My point is, technically, you as a (presumably) native English-speaker are still learning English! Mind blowing, I know… You’ve simply just learned and have used enough English in your life to be really really REALLY good at it.
Just like English, Japanese is also a living language. If you continue to study, practice and use Japanese, eventually you will become proficient enough to communicate at a native-speaking level if that’s what your goal is. If anything, you WILL learn enough to have fun. At the very least, you will learn enough to impress your friends.
At the time of this blog posting, I am still a no0b. I’ve been studying Japanese on and off for the past 4 and a half years or so. Still way green, but I can confidently say that if I were to be dumped in Japan with nothing but the clothes on my back, I would totally survive.
Anyhow I am getting a little off-track here. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, because there really is no point A to point B way of learning Japanese, I’ve decided to convert this site into more of a blog-based site. I will now be using this site as a kind of journal in an effort to document my progress. I will be posting things that I feel are working for me as an individual. There are already tons and tons of great online resources out there for teaching yourself Japanese. Absolutely no sense in trying to re-invent the wheel here. Everyone’s journey into the Japanese language will be a different one. But perhaps this site/blog could be used as a sort of “breadcrumbs path” that I myself can use to go back through later, or something that someone else could stumble upon and perhaps get some insight on what has been working for me.
I’ve found that my Japanese studying habits are pretty sporadic. I try to keep it fun and sometimes whatever I’m doing to study can start to become boring, at which point I’ll take a break, stop for the day (or week, or month), or switch gears and move on to something else in order to keep things interesting and stay motivated. So with that said, that’s pretty much what you’ll be seeing on this website from this point on. Some posts may be quite informative, others may be less “educating” and more like “this is what I’m doing right now” or “look what I’ve found!”.
Hopefully this decision will be a beneficial one to both myself and the site, and also to anyone who finds it and perhaps maybe follows it.